Things to Do When Moving to a New Home in Oslo

Most people move to a new home at least once during their lives. Many will do so several times. In a large capital city such as Oslo, this can be challenging. There are so many things to do and remember. Just the act of packing up all of your belongings and transporting them safely to the new house can be daunting. Hiring professionals to help can make that part of it much easier. To aid in a smooth transition here is a checklist of things to do when moving into a new home.
Transfer Utilities
It’s difficult to live even for a short time without utilities. Make sure to have all of them set up and running before settling into the new place. This will include electricity, water and gas if your home uses it. Don’t forget heating or cooling systems. You want to be comfortable. There is also internet access, telephone and perhaps cable television. Make sure garbage pick-up is scheduled. Having no place to get rid of trash would be distressing. Also, be sure to have utilities stopped at your old place so you are not billed for services you’re not using. When the moving agency arrives with your things, you want your new home ready to go.
Inspect the New Home
Before everything is moved it’s a good idea to go through your entire house while it’s empty. Make sure that everything is in order. Electrical outlets, windows, doors. If there were any agreed-upon repairs at the time of purchase, make sure they have been completed. Check that anything that was specified in the sales contract, such as including appliances, has been carried out. If anything differs, contact the realtor. You will also be able to determine what projects if any, you will have to take on.
Thorough Cleaning
Before moving in Oslo, do an effective and thorough cleaning of the entire house. Now is the time to scrub those bare floors and walls. You can get baseboards, windows and even the ceilings. This is an opportunity to have access to everything without having to move furniture around. Take advantage of it and get your new home squeaky clean before moving in.
Make Your Home Safe for Children and Pets
If you have children and/or pets, you want them to be safe in your new home. Identify potential dangers and safeguard them. This includes electrical outlets which can look inviting to a small child. Install plastic plugs for any that are not in use. Be cautious about staircases where children or pets could fall. Likewise, low-hanging cords for blinds. It’s also important to look for places in the home or yard where a pet may escape and get lost or injured. Plan ahead and protect your loved ones.
Plan Your Set-Up
This task can be fun. Go from room to room and figure out how you will set up furniture, carpets and drapes. While living in Norway, you want your home to be functional and cozy for those cold winters. Doing this before moving in can save a lot of time and trouble moving heavy furniture around your rooms trying to get it right. You want to settle in and start enjoying living in your new home as soon as possible. This step can help facilitate that.
Meet Your New Neighbors
It’s a good idea to meet the neighbors as soon as you move in. They can help you get a feel for your new neighborhood and make recommendations about grocery stores and local services. Neighbors are part of what makes a house a home, so it’s beneficial to get to know them. You may even make a new friend or two for life.
Notify Agencies of Your New Address
Don’t overlook this important step. You will want to notify the post office first, but it’s also important to change your address with your bank and credit card companies. You will also need to have your new address placed on your driver’s license and other identification. Don’t forget ID tags on your pet’s collar. You want your little darling returned to the right house.
Moving to a new house is quite an undertaking. There are so many things to do and remember. By utilizing this checklist, you make sure you do everything necessary to transition smoothly and happily into your new home.