House Selling

4 Most Common Log Home Problems and How to avoid them

Log homes are the dream houses for many people with beautifully artistic surroundings far from the countryside’s chaos and noise. Most people want to live near nature and feel the utmost colors and weather in their dream houses for an extended period. The memories of log homes and childhood sentiments make people own log homes as their permanent residence, not just for vacations. But with the aesthetic feel of log homes, some considerable flaws with it can’t be neglected. Some potential problems you might face that need to be discussed if you are planning to have or move into a log home or searching for residential log cabins for sale.

Regular maintenance and proper care to keep the log cabin last for a lifetime is essential and must be taken seriously by the owners who want to live or resale their log houses in the future. So let’s go inside the details of top log home problems and how we can avoid them.

Log Placement Problem:

The wrong placement of Logs creates significant issues. If placed too close to the ground, they will most likely get moisturized with the water-saturated ground. Rain, humidity, snow, and damp places can be the reason for wet surfaces that weaken the logs and result in log rot, fungus, and mold. You can’t even believe how fast moisture can cause entire log homes.

Solution: To avoid the log moisturizing problem from the ground, make sure to place the bottom rows of logs a minimum of one and two feet above the ground. You can also use ice and water shield protection on the bottom layers to make them more secure and long-lasting. Plants and bushes near log walls can also cause moisture; it is recommended to plant trees at least 5-6 feet away from log walls.

Insects Problem:

Insects love the wood and, just like us, want to stay in the log homes forever in a cozy wood. Carpenter ants, bees, and beetle-like insects eat timber and make their homes inside the logs. Carpenter bees make small holes inside the log and damage the wood internally. At the same time, critters like mice, squirrels, and raccoons make their way inside the home and cause more severe problems.


Many types of insects and different conditions cause the insect problem. Most insects are drawn to rotten wood just like Carpenter bees, so keeping your cabin away from rotten and dead wood is recommended. Do not stack bushes, plants, or firewood near your log homes. For more safety, you can use insect removing kits. Critters like raccoons can enter through holes and use dog doors. To prevent them, close all the entrance holes for them. Place your garbage can away from your log homes because they love to have nice food through waste. Also, the squirrels can be another nightmare for your log homes. They damage the wires, heating systems, and woods. To keep them away from your homes, ensure you do not have trees with long branches that can easily invite them inside your house.

UV Ray damage:

Nature sometimes becomes the enemy of nature itself. So like the ultraviolet radiation from the sun (UV Rays). It breaks and weakens the outermost layer of wood, causing a big breakdown and financial loss for log homeowners. It all started with the minor fungi that increase over time and become unmanageable until fully damaged.


The most effective way to keep your home safe from UV rays is to create a proper shade to hide your home from being directly exposed to the sunlight. Using trees to create these shaded areas or decks with a shade cover can also be helpful. But make sure you clean the surface area and regularly overlook to save yourself from any other issues.

Logs Not Properly Cleaned:

You all love your log homes for sure, but the words are not enough to make your beautiful log home safe from the ultimate damage. As beautiful things need extra care, so do your log homes. Ignoring and delaying the cleaning process can cause many major issues that can be overcome once the right time is gone.


You must keep your home clean regularly. Logs developed an unwanted mill glaze over their surface. Logs will develop an undesirable surface condition known as “mill glaze” and rot the wood surface if not properly taken care of and cleaned. Mill glaze appears when resins rise from the internal log surface. Proper insecticides can also be the best way to keep your home safe.


We all love our homes, where we live, and making thousands of memories regularly with our loved ones. Homes should be taken care of as we care for our family members. With some effort and care, you can make your beautiful log homes stand by your side for decades. It’s all about how you will manage and keep an eye on your log home issues and resolve them correctly.


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